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~Featured Projects of 2024~
Demonstration of Web Responsiveness & Multiple Webpages
(Desktops & Tablets & Mobile devices view)
Application description: Focus is to make multiple web pages for a
single project render from minimum to maximum display resolutions
to ensure usability and satisfaction.
Programs Applied: Git, GitHub, Hosting, HTML, CSS, JavaScript,
Demonstration of Data Fetch from Public Server
Application description: Provides users with real-time weather
information, forecasts, and other weather-related data for any
Programs Applied: API, Git, GitHub, Hosting, HTML, CSS,
JavaScript, Bootstrap
Demonstration of Static Webpage
(Desktop and Mobile view)
Application description: Created a standalone web page that a
person "lands" on after clicking through a digital location. The
user will then be prompted to make a selection pertaining to the
catering theme.
Programs Applied: HTML, CSS, JavaScript